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  • “increase”

2004 Senate Bill 1485 / Public Act 463

Expand joint fire and police departments

2004 Senate Bill 1105 / Public Act 513

Revise PILT payments to local governments

2004 House Bill 5668 / Public Act 474

Increase cigarette smuggling penalties

2003 Senate Bill 576 / 2004 Public Act 469

Increase health care facility fees

2003 House Bill 5035

Revise mobile home commission membership

2003 House Bill 4880

Impose new tax on mobile homes

2003 House Bill 4817 / 2004 Public Act 447

Revise mortgage discharge procedures

2004 House Bill 6338 / Public Act 464

Expand joint fire and police authorities

2004 House Bill 5409

Increase various sentencing guidelines