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2011 Senate Bill 212 / Public Act 153

Authorize fire-fighting high school courses

2011 House Resolution 128

Buy Local, Select Pure Michigan Day

  • Offered on Sept. 14, 2011
  • Adopted in the House on Sept. 14, 2011

2011 House Bill 4360 / Public Act 156

Revise school bus driver diabetes provision

2011 Senate Bill 213 / Public Act 155

Allow electronic prescriptions from out of state dentists

2011 House Bill 4787 / Public Act 146

Earmark 9-1-1 tax money to State Police radios

2011 House Bill 4748 / Public Act 145

Shift road tax money from certain subsidies to road projects

2011 House Bill 4734 / Public Act 144

Eliminate sunset on MMQAA health care provider tax

2011 House Bill 4316 / Public Act 151

Exempt motorized logging saw from vehicle brake regulations