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  • Energy

2008 Senate Bill 1130 / Public Act 321

Establish new ethanol, alternative fuel subsidies

2008 Senate Bill 1126 / Public Act 320

Require state to market certain renewable fuel sites

2008 Senate Bill 1635

Revise individual development accounts purpose

2008 House Bill 6462

Authorize “renewable fuels” income tax checkoff

2008 Senate Bill 1048 / Public Act 287

Authorize “energy star” appliance tax subsidies

2007 Senate Bill 213 / 2008 Public Act 295

Impose 10 percent renewable energy mandate on utilities

2007 Senate Bill 658 / 2008 Public Act 220

Revise certain local government fund investment rules

2008 House Bill 5750

Establish new ethanol, alternative fuel subsidies

2007 House Bill 4950 / 2008 Public Act 217

Authorize tax breaks for solar and wind power research

2008 House Bill 5752

Require state to market certain renewable fuel sites