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12,371 to 12,380 of 21,652 results

2010 House Bill 5887 / Public Act 217

Appropriate federal "edu-jobs" stimulus money

2010 House Bill 5858 / Public Act 329

Borrow-and-spend $1.15 billion for new university & college buildings

2010 House Bill 5821 / Public Act 323

Prohibit charges to withdraw payroll debit card money

2010 House Bill 5756 / Public Act 322

Provide unemployment benefit exception to certain pension lump-sums

2009 House Bill 5684 / 2010 Public Act 304

Impose licensure on genetic counselors

2009 House Bill 5566 / 2010 Public Act 246

Revise brownfields law details

2009 House Bill 5550 / 2010 Public Act 321

Exempt municipal debt from certain restrictions through 2012

2009 House Bill 5349 / 2010 Public Act 277

Create another targeted tax break program

2009 House Bill 5347 / 2010 Public Act 276

Create another targeted tax break/subsidy program

2009 House Bill 5346 / 2010 Public Act 275

Authorize "aerotropolis" corporate tax breaks and subsidies