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12,861 to 12,870 of 21,655 results

2010 Senate Bill 1343 / Public Act 114

Revise electric car battery maker subsidy detail

2010 House Bill 6223

Increase principle residence “takings” reimbursement

2010 House Bill 5786 / Public Act 109

Exempt Habitat for Humanity from property tax

2009 House Bill 4627

Mandate disclosures, right of rescission for annuities

2010 House Bill 6188

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

2010 House Bill 6187

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

2010 House Bill 6186

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

2010 House Bill 6185

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

  • Introduced on May 18, 2010
  • Passed 66 to 40 in the House on June 22, 2010

2010 House Bill 6184

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

2010 House Bill 6183

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads