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15,911 to 15,920 of 21,678 results

2007 House Bill 5252

Repeal tobacco wholesale bad debt deduction

2007 Senate Bill 676 / Public Act 68

Finalize FY 2006-2007 budget deal details

2007 Senate Bill 657 / Public Act 67

Finalize FY 2006-2007 budget deal details

2007 Senate Bill 656 / Public Act 69

Finalize FY 2006-2007 budget deal details

2007 Senate Bill 655 / Public Act 66

Finalize FY 2006-2007 budget deal details

2007 Senate Bill 237

Appropriations: 2007-2008 school aid budget

2007 House Bill 4799

Limit dual state employee school pension/salary loophole

2007 House Bill 5195

"Vehicle" bill for possible income tax increase