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2005 House Bill 4258 / Public Act 266

Allow fingerprints as legal signature

2005 House Bill 4186 / Public Act 262

Revise CPL expiration dates

2005 Senate Bill 654 / Public Act 265

Allow certain municipal employee land purchases

2005 House Bill 5395 / Public Act 258

Rename the Lodge as "Rosa Parks Expressway"

2005 House Bill 5332 / Public Act 260

Allow small insurance inducements

2005 House Bill 5322

Revise effective date of corporate documents

2005 House Bill 4777 / Public Act 270

Revise embryo wrongful death law

2005 House Bill 4706 / Public Act 259

Authorize certain after-hours liquor sales

2005 House Bill 4027 / Public Act 267

Industrial Plant Rehabilitation exception for particular facility