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18,571 to 18,580 of 21,716 results

2004 House Bill 6181

Revise window peeping penalties

2004 House Bill 5989

Streamline concealed pistol license [CPL] renewals

2004 House Bill 5944

Authorize township role in unpaved road speed limits

2004 House Bill 5873

Heart insignia on organ donors drivers license

2004 House Bill 5844

Expand mobile home homestead income tax credit

2004 House Bill 5790

Allow veterans organization to offer “Club Keno”

2004 House Bill 5715

Abortion permission waiver for minor

2004 House Bill 5657 / Public Act 574

Public record digital imaging regulations

2004 House Bill 5656 / Public Act 429

Revise liability of architects contracted by the state

2004 House Bill 5550 / Public Act 572

Regulations for electronic storage of public records