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18,781 to 18,790 of 21,716 results

2004 Senate Bill 1066 / Public Act 350

Appropriations: 2005 Department of Environmental Quality budget

2004 Senate Bill 1065 / Public Act 346

Appropriations: 2005 Department of Education budget

2004 Senate Bill 1064 / Public Act 345

Appropriations: 2005 prison budget

2004 Senate Bill 1063 / Public Act 349

Appropriations: 2005 community health budget

2004 Senate Bill 1062 / Public Act 358

Appropriations: 2005 community colleges budget

2003 Senate Bill 822

Allow tax break for Detroit Lions stadium hotel project

2004 House Bill 6122

Authorize $5 million sugar beet growers grant

2004 House Bill 6021 / Public Act 329

Allow use of certain returned pharmaceuticals

2004 House Bill 5876 / Public Act 325

Streamline state permit and license processing