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19,101 to 19,110 of 21,748 results

2004 House Bill 5814

Increase tax increment financing plan notifications

2004 House Bill 5730 / Public Act 169

Major sports event liquor licenses

2004 House Bill 5504 / Public Act 174

Sales tax on internet and catalog purchases

2004 House Bill 5478 / Public Act 166

Sex-ed class parental prior notice complaints

2003 House Bill 5273 / 2004 Public Act 168

Revise hazardous waste transport penalties

2003 House Bill 5008 / 2004 Public Act 163

Motorcycle plate expiration revision

2004 Senate Bill 1074 / Public Act 138

Repeal "Mackinac Trail" highway designation

2003 House Bill 5029 / 2004 Public Act 160

Authorize mourning dove hunt