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  • Economic Development

2012 Senate Bill 1108 / Public Act 358

Revise government "economic development" program detail

2012 House Bill 5826

Shift road tax money from certain subsidies to road projects

2012 House Bill 5246 / Public Act 290

Expand corporate research subsidies

2012 House Bill 5646 / Public Act 222

Authorize “economic development” tax breaks on “land bank” parcels

2011 House Bill 5142 / 2012 Public Act 229

Expand “corridor improvement” taxing authorities

2012 Senate Bill 1073

Mandate landlords provide storage for evicted tenant belongings

2011 House Bill 4641

Authorize continued Detroit “neighborhood enterprise zone” tax breaks

2011 Senate Bill 748 / Public Act 314

Extend “renaissance zone” income tax breaks

2011 House Bill 5157 / Public Act 315

Extend “renaissance zone” income tax breaks