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281 to 290 of 1,409 results

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  • “increase”

2016 Senate Bill 1099 / Public Act 563

Authorize government borrowing for veteran facilities

2016 Senate Bill 1053 / Public Act 467

Increase former underground fuel tank cleanup tax

2016 House Bill 6075 / Public Act 530

Require local government underfunded pension disclosures

2015 House Bill 4142 / 2016 Public Act 450

Increase vehicle weight and size violation penalties

2016 Senate Bill 1079 / Public Act 437

Revise landfill license detail

2016 Senate Bill 1045 / Public Act 519

Increase some court “e-filing” fees

2015 House Bill 5001 / 2016 Public Act 371

Increase massage therapist licensure requirements

2015 House Bill 4427 / 2016 Public Act 449

Increase speed limits, streamline related rules

2015 House Bill 4423 / 2016 Public Act 445

Increase speed limits, streamline related rules

2016 Senate Bill 800 / Public Act 340

Authorize supplemental spending