To call on the National Guard Bureau to immediately end the current food contract for the 1,000 Michigan National Guard Service members deployed to Washington, D.C., and provide a per diem food allowance backdated to the start of the mobilization
To memorialize the Congress of the United States to change the formula for distributing coronavirus emergency relief funds for schools to allow states to distribute funds on a more equitable basis
Of tribute offered as a memorial for Sal Rocca, former member of the House of Representatives
To urge the Natural Resources Commission and the Department of Natural Resources to end the research study begun in 2019 concerning the effectiveness of antler point restrictions as a management tool in the chronic wasting disease core area
Urge wolf hunts
Limit state health department epidemic orders without legislative approval
Revise multi-precinct jurisdiction rules
Revise multi-precinct jurisdiction rules
Revise candidate report review dates
Revise lobbyist report due dates