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  • State Government

2005 House Bill 4138 / 2006 Public Act 182

Require handicap-accessible features in state-subsidized housing

2005 House Bill 5114 / 2006 Public Act 179

Clean up reversion clause in former state land statute

2006 House Bill 5993

Require nursing homes use federal money for fire sprinklers

2006 House Bill 5843 / Public Act 263

Establish meth production in home as child abuse

2006 House Bill 5979 / Public Act 178

Shift more road tax money to administration

2006 House Bill 5633

Establish English as official state language

2006 House Bill 5631 / Public Act 157

Create pandemic flu preparedness and response plant

2006 House Bill 5630 / Public Act 163

Create pandemic flu preparedness and response plan

2006 House Bill 5607 / Public Act 177

Replace "blue" license plates

2005 Senate Bill 908 / 2006 Public Act 155

Revise notary public requirements