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  • State Government

2005 House Bill 4079

Give schools flexibility on rules - "ed-flex”

2005 Senate Bill 498

Extent baseline environmental assessment fee

2005 Senate Bill 225 / Public Act 46

Establish agricultural tourism advisory commission

2005 House Bill 4024

Expanded state park hearings

2005 Senate Bill 195 / Public Act 43

Increase unlicensed agricultural labor camp fines

2005 Senate Bill 398

Establish multistate recreation pass

2005 Senate Bill 92

Tax break for “seed capital” investments

2005 House Bill 4677 / Public Act 40

Designate "Holocaust Memorial Highway"

2005 Senate Bill 337

Tax break for historic building renovation

2005 House Bill 4008 / Public Act 34

Revise multi-state college tuition compact law