Explicitly permit excluding adult child out from estate
To commend the Five Healthy Towns Foundation on its efforts to cultivate personal and community health and wellness for residents in their service area within the state of Michigan
To commemorate the week of April 8-14, 2018, as Crime Victims’ Rights Week
To recognize April 22-28, 2018, as Michigan Venture Capital and Angel Investment week
Authorize honorary road designation
To declare May 1, 2018, as Law Day in the state of Michigan
To declare April 22-28, 2018, as Venture Capital and Angel Investment Week in the state of Michigan
Repeal obsolete girls reformatory law
To endorse continued investment in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula by Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. and to encourage a partnership between the state of Michigan and Cleveland-Cliffs to support Cliffs’ reinvestment in the Empire Mine in Richmond Township
To memorialize the Congress of the United States to take action on immigration reform