Prescribing the legislative schedule
Revise allocation of gas an oil lease revenue
To declare Clay Township the Sturgeon Angling Capital of Michigan
To declare October 2016 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the state of Michigan
To declare November 7, 2016, as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Awareness Day in the state of Michigan
To congratulate the government and people of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on the celebration of their 105th National Day and declare October 10, 2016, as Taiwan Day in the state of Michigan
To declare September 26, 2016, as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day in the state of Michigan
To declare October 9, 2016, as PANS and PANDAS Awareness Day in the state of Michigan
To declare September 27, 2016, as Youth Consent Day in the state of Michigan
To declare September 23, 2016, as Chiari Awareness Day in the state of Michigan