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  • Education

2007 House Bill 4796

Cap school district superintendent compensation

2007 House Bill 4322 / Public Act 11

Give limited liquor license to Oakland Community College

2007 House Bill 4162

Require school bullying policies

2007 House Bill 4091

Require school bullying policies

2006 Senate Bill 1416

Mandate HPV vaccine for sixth grade girls

2006 Senate Bill 1427 / Public Act 623

Revise High School grad requirements

2006 Senate Bill 1398 / Public Act 515

Revise school ag product co-op regulation

2006 Senate Bill 1327 / Public Act 619

Revise teacher endorsement procedures

2005 Senate Bill 95 / 2006 Public Act 534

Revise school year length criteria

2006 House Bill 6173 / Public Act 680

Revise school employee background check law