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2015 Senate Bill 66 / Public Act 157

Revise nursing home medical treatment restriction

2015 House Resolution 151

To declare September 22, 2015, as Youth Consent Day in the state of Michigan

2015 House Resolution 150

To declare September 28-October 4, 2015, as French-Canadian Heritage Week in the state of Michigan

2015 House Bill 4070 / Public Act 134

Revise “incompatible offices” detail

2015 Senate Resolution 91

To amend the Standing Rules of the Senate

2015 Senate Bill 365

Exempt trigger locks from use tax

2015 Senate Bill 364

Exempt trigger locks from sales tax

2015 Senate Bill 310

Ban employer sanctions for emergency CAP service

2015 Senate Bill 306

Authorize joining multistate “Compact for a Balanced Budget”

2015 Senate Bill 91

Authorize Sleeping Bear Dunes license plate