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2014 Senate Resolution 148

To proclaim October 5-11, 2014, as Lions Week in the state of Michigan

2014 Senate Resolution 138

To urge the President and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reverse their decision to exclude fresh white potatoes from Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program eligibility

2014 Senate Bill 788

Codify property owner trespasser liability waiver

2014 Senate Bill 742 / Public Act 149

Give temporary occupational license to military spouse

2014 Senate Bill 741 / Public Act 148

Give temporary health care professional occupational license to military spouse

2013 Senate Bill 656 / 2014 Public Act 167

Require certain drug price limits in medical welfare programs

2013 Senate Bill 648 / 2014 Public Act 172

Authorize state grants to certain doctors

2013 Senate Bill 446 / 2014 Public Act 165

Revise hospital “swing bed” regulations

2014 House Resolution 377

Silo Safety Awareness Day

2014 House Resolution 376

Lupus Awareness Month