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2014 Senate Resolution 141

Declaring May 2014 as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in the state of Michigan

2014 House Resolution 350

Cinco de Mayo Day

2014 House Resolution 349

75th anniversary of the Michigan Licensed Beverage

2014 House Resolution 348

Formula SAE Week

2014 Senate Resolution 140

To recognize May 2, 2014, as Stand4Change Day in the state of Michigan

2014 Senate Resolution 139

Proclaiming May 5-9, 2014, as InfantSEE® Week in Michigan

2014 Senate Resolution 137

To declare May 2014 as Community Action Agency Month in the state of Michigan

2014 House Resolution 346

InfantSee Week

2014 House Resolution 345

Community Action Agency Month

2014 House Resolution 344

Black April Memorial Week

  • Offered on April 30, 2014
  • Adopted in the House on April 30, 2014