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Trade: business practices; regulation of social media use by minors; provide for.
Economic development: brownfield redevelopment authority; brownfield redevelopment financing act; amend to exempt museum authorities.
Economic development: tax increment financing; tax increment financing act; amend to exempt museum authorities.
Communications: internet; high-speed internet office; create.
State agencies (existing): technology, management, and budget; department to create resources concerning digital literacy and cybersafety on public website; provide for.
Consumer protection: other; attorney general investigations of the event online ticket sales act; provide for, and prescribe fines and remedies.
Consumer protection: other; certain uses of automated programs to purchase event tickets online; prohibit.
History and arts: other; history museum authorities act; create.
Communications: internet; age-appropriate design code act; create.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; guidelines for dissemination of deep fake sexual images; enact.