Constitutional amendments: state; state board of education; eliminate.
Campaign finance: other; use of gubernatorial likeness for advertisements; limit.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain Michigan election law violations dealing with absent voter ballot applications; provide for.
Elections: offenses; certain felonies involving absent voter ballot applications; create.
Civil rights: other; language access plan; require state agencies to create and implement for individuals with limited English proficiency.
Insurance: health benefits; application of amount paid by the insured or other certain parties when calculating the insured’s co-pay for a prescription drug; require under certain conditions.
Weapons: firearms; 1927 PA 372; update references.
Weapons: firearms; corrections code of 1953; update references.
Weapons: firearms; natural resources and environmental protection act; update references.
Weapons: firearms; Michigan retired law enforcement officer’s firearm carry act; update references.