Sen. Patricia Birkholz (R-24, 2010)


11 to 20 of 27 results

Filtered by

  • “regulation”

2008 Senate Bill 1495

Require inspection of “on-site” wastewater treatment systems

  • Introduced on Sept. 16, 2008

2008 Senate Bill 1007 / Public Act 136

Revise and add to state milk regulations

2007 Senate Bill 860 / 2008 Public Act 185

Impose groundwater use restrictions and permitting mandates

2007 Senate Bill 502

Revise farm environmental regulation enforcement

  • Introduced on May 15, 2007

2007 Senate Bill 420 / Public Act 108

Create state catastrophic health insurance plan for public employers

2007 Senate Bill 337

Impose new boiler operator regulations

  • Introduced on March 6, 2007

2007 Senate Bill 212 / 2008 Public Act 190

Enact Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact

2007 Senate Bill 112

Establish state “land use leadership council”

  • Introduced on Jan. 30, 2007

2006 Senate Bill 1481 / Public Act 531

Revise pipeline maintenance permit regulations

2006 Senate Bill 1422 / Public Act 524

Revise scrap tire regulations