Individual income tax: credit; qualified volunteers credit; create.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for sexual conduct with a corpse or involving a corpse; create.
Crimes: penalties; penalties for sexual conduct with a corpse or involving a corpse; provide for.
Civil rights: open meetings; open meetings act; amend to permit some members of community college boards to attend meetings remotely in any circumstances.
Corporate income tax: business income; addback of certain business expenses; provide for.
State management: purchasing; state procurement of electric motor vehicles made with forced labor or oppressive child labor; prohibit.
Liquor: wine; grape and wine council; establish.
Elections: election officials; secretary of state to send each elector a notice every 10 years to verify the elector’s address information; require.
Weapons: concealed; concealed pistol license; exempt retired law enforcement and veterans from fees.
Corporate income tax: credits; credit for advanced small modular reactors research and development expenses; provide for.