Energy: alternative sources; large scale solar, wind, and energy storage facilities; authorize MPSC certification for zoning exemptions.
Traffic control: driver license; certain requirements for obtaining a driver license; remove.
Elections: registration; automatic voter registration; modify.
Crimes: assaultive; assault or battery of certain vehicle operators and employees; prohibit under certain circumstances, and provide for penalties.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guideline for assault and battery on certain vehicle operators and employees; provide for.
Use tax: definitions; data center equipment used by an enterprise data center; exempt.
Property: conveyance of state property; conditions on property previously conveyed to Muskegon County; remove.
Agriculture: plants; classification of milkweed as a noxious or exotic weed by local governments; prohibit.
State management: funds; public safety and violence prevention fund; create.
Sales tax: distribution; distribution of certain sales tax revenue into the public safety and violence prevention fund; provide for.