Family law: paternity; determination under the acknowledgment of parentage act; exclude children conceived by assisted reproduction or surrogacy.
Family law: paternity; determination under the summary support and paternity act; exclude children conceived by assisted reproduction or surrogacy.
Family law: other; reference to surrogate parenting act; eliminate, and refer to the assisted reproduction and surrogacy parentage act.
Family law: paternity; determination under the paternity act; exclude children conceived by assisted reproduction or surrogacy.
Probate: wills and estates; intestate succession; revise for children conceived by assisted reproduction or surrogacy.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for surrogate parentage contracts involving minors or intellectually disabled and for compensation; remove.
Records: birth; birth certificates issued for a child whose parentage is determined under the assisted reproduction and surrogacy parentage act; provide for.
Family law: other; surrogate parenting act; repeal, and establish the assisted reproduction and surrogacy parentage act.
Children: adoption; central adoption registry; modify.
Records: vital records; requirements to obtain certificate of live birth of an adult adoptee; provide for.