Appropriations: department of lifelong education, advancement, and potential; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Military affairs: other; Tricare premium reimbursement program; create.
State: symbol; Karner blue butterfly; designate as the official state butterfly.
Campaign finance: committees; prohibition on certain candidate committee expenditures and disbursements; create exception.
Consumer protection: unfair trade practices; liability for inaccurate representations concerning risks of certain drugs, medications, and supplements; clarify.
A resolution to declare October 16-22, 2023, as Independent Retailers Week in the state of Michigan.
Economic development: tax increment financing; retroactive application; allow.
Housing: housing development authority; sales price limit of the average purchase price; modify.
State management: funds; funding related to the 21st century jobs trust fund; modify.
Labor: fair employment practices; certain criminal history information about a job applicant or employee; prohibit employers and labor organizations from requesting or maintaining a record of.