Vehicles: registration plates; personalized license plates for historical vehicles; provide for.
Traffic control: driver license; removal of failure to pay driver responsibility fees from centralized driving record; provide for.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain violations of the camp licensing act; provide for.
Military affairs: other; Michigan code of military justice; revise.
Health: occupations; licensing sanctions for compliance with death with dignity act; prohibit under certain circumstances.
Insurance: health insurers; coverage for emergency refill of prescription medication for up to a 30-day supply; repeal.
Traffic control: violations; definition for "vulnerable roadway user"; add.
Occupations: licensing fees; refrigeration facility and removal service for a dead human body; establish license, registration, and application fees.
Occupations: individual licensing and registration; license for refrigeration facility for storage of a dead human body and certificate of registration for a removal service for a dead human body; provide for.
Food: licensing; food service establishment fees; modify.