Corporate income tax: flow-through entities; treatment of certain limited liability companies as a corporation; provide for.
Businesses: business corporations; applicability of the business corporation act; modify.
Businesses: limited liability companies; definition of business organization; modify.
Communications: telecommunications; conversion for telephone corporations to domestic limited liability company; provide for.
Retirement: state employees; membership in the retirement system of certain law enforcement officers first hired after certain date; provide for, and allow for purchasing service credit for certain law enforcement officers' service under the state employees' retirement system.
Retirement: state employees; election process to transfer certain law enforcement officers to the Michigan state police retirement system; provide for.
Retirement: state police; membership in the retirement system of certain law enforcement officers first hired after certain date; provide for, and allow for purchasing service credit for certain law enforcement officers' service under the state employees' retirement system.
Higher education: other; nonvoting members of this state's delegation to the midwestern higher education commission; modify.
Retirement: judges; employee contribution and match; increase.
Individual income tax: credit; 1-time credit for organ donation; provide for.