Health: occupations; Michigan essential health provider recruitment strategy; expand to include midwives.
Civil rights: sex discrimination and harassment; prohibition of sex discrimination in places of public accommodation and public services; extend to prohibit discrimination based on pregnancy or lactating status.
Probate: patient advocates; withholding life-sustaining treatment for a patient who is pregnant; allow.
Insurance: health insurers; insurance; insurers; provide the department of health and human services information on medical malpractice insurance relating to perinatal care services; require on request.
Health facilities: hospitals; certain policies on patients who are giving birth; require a hospital to adopt.
Civil rights: general discrimination; reporting procedures for mistreatment during perinatal period; provide for.
Records: death; commission to investigate racial disparities related to maternal health; create.
Health: other; doula scholarship fund; create.
Criminal procedure: evidence; consideration of videorecorded statements in certain proceedings; allow.
Vehicles: registration plates; special registration plates for women veterans; provide for.