Higher education: financial aid; Michigan education trust act; modify.
Individual income tax: other; definition of internal revenue code under the MiABLE program; update.
Cities: home rule; private road maintenance or improvement projects; allow.
State agencies (proposed): authorities; use of grant funds and issuance of revenue bonds; modify.
Occupations: vehicles, dealers, and repair facilities; owner of a motor vehicle repair facility to operate an additional facility under the same registration; allow.
Health occupations: physical therapists; prescription requirement for physical therapy treatment; eliminate, and make other modifications to the practice of physical therapy.
Health: pharmaceuticals; choice of formulation, dosage, and route of administration for opioid antagonists by certain persons and governmental entities if department of health and human services distributes opioid antagonists free of charge; allow.
Property: conveyance of state property; transfer of certain state-owned property in Livingston County; provide for.