Aeronautics: airports; prohibition of weapons in a sterile area of an airport; clarify, and provide penalties.
Law enforcement: training; law enforcement agencies that fund police training for recruits; allow agreements requiring reimbursement in certain situations.
Law enforcement: training; law enforcement agencies that fund police training for recruits; allow agreements requiring reimbursement in certain situations.
Energy: alternative sources; property assessed clean energy program; include environmental hazard and new construction projects and agricultural and multifamily property.
Energy: alternative sources; property assessed clean energy program; require new construction energy projects to exceed uniform energy code standards.
Human services: services or financial assistance; Michigan energy assistance program sunset; repeal.
Use tax: definitions; definitions; modify.
Fire: other; fire resistance requirements for certain tents; update.
Appropriations: community colleges; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.
Appropriations: higher education; appropriations for fiscal year 2023-2024; provide for.