Human services: other; elected official serving on a social services board; allow.
Children: child care; fingerprint requirement for child care licensees; expand locations to obtain.
Construction: housing; ordinance prohibiting the use of energy-efficient appliances in new or existing residential buildings; prohibit local units of government from enacting.
Natural resources: hunting; posting of rules and regulations by a certain date; require.
Water supply: systems; switching from private well to public system; prohibit locals from requiring of adult foster care facilities.
Natural resources: hunting; deer baiting license; provide for.
Children: child care; passing along fees for criminal background checks to certain childcare employees to the employees; prohibit.
Natural resources: funding; Michigan natural resources trust fund recipients; modify to include state department.
Education: other; requirement for installation of filtration systems in child care centers and schools; exempt if child care center or school does not test positive for lead.
Children: child care; requirement for installation of filtration systems in child care centers and schools; exempt if child care center or school does not test positive for lead.