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  • State Government

2005 Senate Bill 906 / 2006 Public Act 474

Require “21st Century Jobs Trust Fund” compliance officer

2006 House Bill 5960 / Public Act 466

Give townships lakefront road-end regulation authority

2006 House Bill 6318 / Public Act 460

Revise "standing" rules in licensure hearings

2006 House Bill 6039 / Public Act 459

Authorize healthcare information technologies grants

2006 House Bill 6031 / Public Act 449

Clarify leased truck diesel tax liability

2006 House Bill 6162 / Public Act 435

Revise wetland improvement permit application procedures

2005 House Bill 5408 / 2006 Public Act 433

Ease bow and long gun transport restrictions

2006 House Bill 6165 / Public Act 431

Revise wetland improvement permit application procedures

2006 House Bill 6164 / Public Act 430

Revise wetland improvement permit application procedures

2006 House Bill 6150 / Public Act 429

Revise form of licensure statute