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  • State Government

2004 House Bill 5665 / Public Act 249

Require state paper from sustainably managed forests

2003 Senate Bill 832 / 2004 Public Act 248

Codify preferred drug list authorization

2003 House Bill 5021 / 2004 Public Act 235

Join multi-state Wildlife Violator Compact

2004 House Bill 5743 / Public Act 230

Environmental laboratory accreditation

2004 House Bill 5742 / Public Act 229

Environmental laboratory accreditation

2004 Senate Bill 1135 / Public Act 228

Establish environmental lab quality recognition program

2003 House Bill 5175 / 2004 Public Act 214

Increase penalties for adulterating drugs

2003 House Bill 5148 / 2004 Public Act 212

Baseless property security interest filing penalties

2003 House Bill 4792 / 2004 Public Act 211

Allow child support payer to petition for payment plan

2003 House Bill 5232 / 2004 Public Act 200

Revise certain ambulance restrictions