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  • “increase”

2005 House Bill 4735 / 2006 Public Act 606

Boost certain state police pensions

2006 House Bill 6631 / Public Act 535

Expand prison break law to county jails

2006 House Bill 6271 / Public Act 544

Increase contempt of court penalties

2006 House Bill 6043 / Public Act 554

Expand obsolete mall tax breaks to residential projects

2005 House Bill 5135 / 2006 Public Act 655

Revise peremptory juror challenge details

2006 House Bill 6473

Revise drain code commission law details

2006 House Bill 6075 / Public Act 454

Increase airport trespass penalty

2006 Senate Bill 1467

Eliminate sunset on Medicaid "bed tax"

2006 Senate Bill 1354 / Public Act 636

Create (umbilical) cord blood stem cell bank