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10,791 to 10,800 of 21,652 results

2011 Senate Bill 847 / 2012 Public Act 366

Increase domestic violence repeat offender fines

2011 Senate Bill 846 / 2012 Public Act 365

Revise domestic violence repeat offender sentencing

2011 Senate Bill 845 / 2012 Public Act 364

Revise domestic violence repeat offender sentencing

2011 Senate Bill 726 / 2012 Public Act 363

Increase statute of limitations for some serious crimes

2011 Senate Bill 707 / 2012 Public Act 362

Create uniform interstate depositions and discovery act

2011 Senate Bill 689 / 2012 Public Act 361

Revise procedures for foreign signing of document

2011 Senate Bill 688 / 2012 Public Act 360

Authorize electronic signatures

2012 House Bill 6061

Limit recall votes to regular May and November election dates

2012 House Bill 6058

Revise politician recall rules

2012 House Bill 5768

Prohibit Michigan National Guard executing federal “indefinite detention”