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2012 Senate Bill 1059

Expand forest property tax breaks

2012 Senate Bill 1001 / Public Act 357

Revise child support payment detail

2011 Senate Bill 805

Authorize tax break for conservation easement donation in wills

2011 Senate Bill 791

Clarify real estate improvement use tax provision

2011 Senate Bill 564 / 2012 Public Act 356

Revise eligibility for certain health-related welfare benefits

2011 Senate Bill 403 / 2012 Public Act 355

Authorize physician impaired driver reports

2011 Senate Bill 402 / 2012 Public Act 354

Authorize physician impaired driver reports

2012 House Resolution 335

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

2012 House Bill 5542

Ban requiring emergency contact info for drivers license

2012 Senate Concurrent Resolution 36

To express support for an amendment to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that will allow insurance companies to consider Health Savings Account contributions toward the payment of benefits and premiums in the medical loss ratio calculation