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16,481 to 16,490 of 21,684 results

2006 House Bill 5966 / Public Act 662

Extend higher deed recording fee

2006 House Bill 5947 / Public Act 660

Give property tax break to a development in Detroit

2006 House Bill 5927 / Public Act 586

Revise government mental health services

2006 House Bill 5923 / Public Act 604

Revise government mental health services

2006 House Bill 5901 / Public Act 659

Revise Bad Axe DDA obligations

2006 House Bill 5872 / Public Act 603

Make state dioxin standard same as federal

2006 House Bill 5761

Exempt Masons' lodges from property tax

2006 House Bill 5750 / Public Act 643

Authorize interstate nursing licensure

2006 House Bill 5717 / Public Act 626

Establish tax reverted land funding source

2006 House Bill 5704 / Public Act 647

Revise school ballot question procedures