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16,511 to 16,520 of 21,691 results

2005 House Bill 5301

Ban state scholarships for illegal aliens

2005 House Bill 5300

Ban state housing subsidies for illegal aliens

2005 House Bill 5259 / 2006 Public Act 658

Revise utility truck seasonal weight limit exemption

2005 House Bill 5257 / 2006 Public Act 651

Clarify township treasurer duties

2005 House Bill 5221 / 2006 Public Act 486

Allow local governments to file more small claims actions

2005 House Bill 5204 / 2006 Public Act 657

Movie production tax breaks to exempt from sales tax

2005 House Bill 5135 / 2006 Public Act 655

Revise peremptory juror challenge details

2005 House Bill 5078 / 2006 Public Act 656

Ban taking private property to enhance tax revenues

2005 House Bill 4919 / 2006 Public Act 629

Make SOCC statute conform with Constitution

2005 House Bill 4918 / 2006 Public Act 628

Make SOCC statute conform with Constitution