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2006 House Bill 6090 / Public Act 434

Clarify mail-house sales tax application

2006 House Bill 6089 / Public Act 428

Clarify mail-house use tax application

2006 House Bill 6055

Transfer Marquette "Yooper Dome" expense from NMU to the state

2005 House Bill 5349 / 2006 Public Act 442

Establish long term care insurance regulations

2005 House Bill 5003

Revise county Medicaid nursing home details

2006 Senate Bill 1375 / Public Act 437

Adjust revenue sharing formula

2006 Senate Bill 1284 / Public Act 436

Make exception to allow particular tax break

2006 Senate Bill 1169 / Public Act 424

Subsidize agriculture-related economic development

2006 Senate Bill 1168 / Public Act 423

Subsidize specialty crop commercialization