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17,041 to 17,050 of 21,691 results

2006 Senate Bill 1078 / Public Act 270

Authorize tax subsidy for certain alternative energy facilities

2005 Senate Bill 900 / 2006 Public Act 284

Authorize more agriculture processing renaissance zones

2005 Senate Bill 802 / 2006 Public Act 283

Expand MEGA tax subsidies

2006 House Bill 5752 / Public Act 273

Authorize tax subsidy for certain alternative energy facilities

2006 House Bill 5711

Revise farm environmental regulation enforcement

2006 House Bill 5548 / Public Act 314

Ban lawsuits in cases of legitimate self defense

2005 House Bill 5153 / 2006 Public Act 310

Repeal “duty to retreat” in home self defense

2005 House Bill 5143 / 2006 Public Act 309

Repeal “duty to retreat” in self defense

2005 House Bill 5142 / 2006 Public Act 313

Repeal “duty to retreat” in home self defense