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17,871 to 17,880 of 21,716 results

2005 House Bill 5094 / Public Act 169

Raise air quality fees on industry

2005 House Bill 4857 / Public Act 178

Revise motor bus transportation act references

2005 House Bill 4700

Require pain management continuing education for dental hygienists

2005 House Bill 4962

Place "Brass Roots" plaque on Capitol grounds

2005 House Bill 4850

Prohibit certain limited real estate marketing services

2005 House Bill 4849

Prohibit certain limited real estate marketing services

2005 House Bill 4588 / Public Act 184

Revise crime victim's rights act

2005 House Bill 4144 / Public Act 181

Limit high school dual enrollment law

2005 House Bill 4143 / Public Act 180

Limit high school dual enrollment law