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2005 House Bill 5055 / Public Act 187

Extend sunset on hospital MMQAA

2005 Senate Bill 754

Re-write expiring Michigan Telecommunication Act

2005 House Concurrent Resolution 19

Urge no state administrative rules more stringent than federal

2005 House Bill 4938 / Public Act 176

Revise organ donation procedures

2005 House Bill 4858 / Public Act 179

Clarify weigh station stop requirements

2005 House Bill 4852 / Public Act 177

Revise commercial drivers license regulations

2005 Senate Concurrent Resolution 33

Urge court to ban tax-funded "homosexual union" benefits

2005 Senate Resolution 68

Urge court to ban tax-funded "homosexual union" benefits

2005 Senate Bill 501 / Public Act 183

Repeal streamlined delinquent property tax reversions