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18,471 to 18,480 of 21,716 results

2004 Senate Bill 1369 / Public Act 465

Shift money from Jury Compensation Fund to general fund

2004 Senate Bill 1368 / Public Act 466

Shift money from Judicial Technology Fund to general fund

2004 Senate Bill 1329

Allow snowmobiles on certain limited access highways

2004 Senate Bill 1105 / Public Act 513

Revise PILT payments to local governments

2004 Senate Bill 1075 / Public Act 512

Clarify physician's assistant authority

2003 Senate Bill 823 / 2004 Public Act 492

Revise the number of judges

2003 Senate Bill 736 / 2004 Public Act 511

Flatbed trailer width revision

2003 Senate Bill 576 / 2004 Public Act 469

Increase health care facility fees