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18,501 to 18,510 of 21,716 results

2004 House Bill 6020 / Public Act 438

Declare annual "Police Officers Memorial Day”

2004 House Bill 5920 / Public Act 472

Revise motor fuel tax liability

2004 House Bill 5875 / Public Act 588

Revise competitive bid requirements for schools

2004 House Bill 5726 / Public Act 443

Bankrupt entity property tax refund

2004 House Bill 5725 / Public Act 442

Bankrupt property tax refund

2004 House Bill 5724 / Public Act 441

Bankrupt entity property tax refund

2004 House Bill 5668 / Public Act 474

Increase cigarette smuggling penalties

2003 House Bill 5194 / 2004 Public Act 439

Revise conservation district election procedures