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2004 Senate Bill 991 / Public Act 120

Clarify Mackinac Straits Hospital authority

2003 Senate Bill 647

Define "willful" MIOSHA violation; ban "ergonomics" rules

2004 House Bill 5666 / Public Act 127

Minimum instruction days exception for damaged schools

2004 House Bill 5538

Revise property taxes on new housing developments

2004 House Bill 5500 / Public Act 134

Allow 11 a.m. Sunday liquor sales in central time zone

2003 House Bill 5341

Tax breaks for "start-up business"

2003 House Bill 5331 / 2004 Public Act 126

Tax breaks for "start-up business"

2003 House Bill 4867 / 2004 Public Act 130

Concealed pistol licensee may carry on state land