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2015 Senate Bill 437 / 2016 Public Act 341

Adopt statewide power grid planning

2015 Senate Bill 289 / 2016 Public Act 550

Authorize sanctions for bad faith patent infringement claim

2016 House Resolution 410

To urge the Michigan Public Service Commission to reject the premature termination of the power purchase agreement between Entergy and Consumers Energy for the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant

2016 House Bill 5928 / Public Act 516

Sales tax exemption for car parts recycling deposit

2016 House Bill 5912 / Public Act 433

Revise tax foreclosure detail

2016 House Bill 5782 / Public Act 559

Expand sharing of individual mental health records held by government

2016 House Bill 5774 / Public Act 525

Revise statutes to reflect agency name changes

2016 House Bill 5664 / Public Act 524

Allow pension “double dipping” by retired state hospital psychiatrists

2016 House Bill 5626 / Public Act 481

Criminalize attempted divesting a parent of parental responsibility

2016 House Bill 5514 / Public Act 558

Revise workers comp insurance detail