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2013 House Bill 5005 / 2014 Public Act 24

Revise solid waste detail

2013 Senate Bill 586

Human trafficking crime package

2013 Senate Bill 553 / 2014 Public Act 27

Extend already-extended renaissance zone tax breaks longer

2013 Senate Bill 463 / 2014 Public Act 26

Exempt “historic military vehicles” from displaying license plate

2013 Senate Bill 428 / 2014 Public Act 19

Ban governments placing foreign-made American flags on veterans’ graves

2013 Senate Bill 263 / 2014 Public Act 25

Revise unused rail line divestiture detail

2014 House Resolution 304

Parenting Awareness Month

2014 House Resolution 300

Congress of the United States; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; veterans' health care

2013 House Bill 5009 / 2014 Public Act 14

Revise business income tax details

2013 House Bill 4643

Establish legal recourse for target of illegal union picket